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While there is much to look forward to as the weather gets warmer and the sun shines brighter, spring and summer also bring a much-dreaded visitor back into our lives – mosquitos.

Many of the things we all love about Georgia, like beautiful landscapes and thriving wildlife, mosquitos love about Georgia, too. Mosquitos are much more than pesky insects wreaking havoc on all of your outdoor activities – they pose a serious health hazard.

With the right information and strategy, reclaiming your outdoor spaces and ensuring your protection from mosquitos and the diseases they can spread is simple.

This is your comprehensive guide to tackling mosquitos in Georgia, from learning how to properly inspect your property to innovative treatments like In2Care.

Get to Know the Mosquitos in Georgia

Home to many diverse ecosystems, Georgia provides the perfect breeding grounds for many unique mosquito species. Mosquitos can survive in many different environments, from suburban homes with standing water to wooded areas with damp undergrowth.

A few of Georgia’s most common species of mosquitos include:

Culex Mosquitos

Culex mosquitos are known for carrying diseases like the West Nile virus. What makes them even more dangerous is their proximity to homes. This species breeds in standing water sources like gutters, bird baths, and waste containers.

Aedes Mosquitos

Thanks to their black and white striped legs, you can easily identify Aedes mosquitos. This aggressive breed of mosquito bites during dusk and evening hours and is also active during the day, making outdoor activities especially challenging, particularly in shaded areas.

Anopheles Mosquitos

You’re less likely to find Anopheles mosquitos in urban areas. This species is more common in rural and forested regions. What makes Anopheles mosquitos particularly dangerous is that they are carriers of malaria – creating a significant health concern.

Understanding the risks of the many mosquito species in Georgia is crucial to protecting yourself, your family, and your home. With this information in mind, the first step to safeguarding your outdoor spaces from mosquitos is to have your property inspected.

Proper Inspection and Recommendations

Identifying and eliminating breeding sites is among the most effective ways to manage the risk of a potential mosquito problem. Mosquitos lay their eggs in standing water, so any area of your property with stagnant water is a potential breeding ground.

Here are a few things you can do around your home to minimize the risk of mosquitos:

Inspect Your Property

As the weather gets warmer, ensure you check your outdoor spaces regularly. Consistent inspections help identify areas where water collects and mosquitos may breed. Pay special attention to bird baths, clogged gutters, flowerpots, and children’s play areas, as these locations often contain water.

Remove Standing Water

If you notice any areas of your property with stagnant or standing water, regularly removing the water from these spots is essential. Mosquitos can turn even the smallest amount of water into a breeding ground. Empty or change any areas with water at least once a week.

Keep Up with Your Yard

Maintaining your grass and vegetation is more helpful than you may expect. Keeping your grass and plants trimmed short helps eliminate some of the shady areas around your yard that mosquitos prefer. Removing debris such as buckets or gardening equipment – anything that can collect water is also important.

Consider Mosquito Dunks

If you have areas around your yard that collect water but are difficult to remove or maintain, consider using mosquito dunks. This solution contains a bacterium that targets mosquito larvae without harming other kinds of wildlife.

In2Care: An Innovative Solution

Traditional mosquito removal and protection methods, such as fogging and sprays, often contain harmful chemicals and require repeated applications. Luckily, In2Care, a service we offer, provides a much more effective approach that targets mosquitos at the source with minimal environmental effects.

Notice the Difference with Holder’s Pest and Wildlife Services

We know you have many options when determining the best approach to mosquito management for your home and properties in Georgia. We take great care in providing a safe and comfortable environment for you and your family throughout the year.

At Holder’s Pest and Wildlife Services, we offer many services and perks – ensuring ease and convenience. Here’s what you can expect when you choose Holder’s.

Free Quotes

Know what to expect before committing to a service. We provide free quotes to those interested in mosquito management – so you don’t have to worry about any hidden fees or costs showing up on your bill.

No Annual Contracts

While we offer monthly service subscriptions, you never have to worry about getting locked into a long-term contract. Keep your property mosquito free without the drain on your wallet.

Ultimate Protection with Monthly Services

Ensuring continuous protection is essential, especially during peak mosquito season. In Georgia, mosquitos pose the biggest risk from April through September.

With a monthly mosquito management service, your property is better protected as regular application ensures treated water sources break the breeding cycle by creating an inhospitable environment for mosquito larvae.

Embrace a Comprehensive Approach

In2Care is a powerful tool for managing and minimizing mosquito risks, but it is most effective as part of a comprehensive approach. Proper inspection, habitat modification, and targeted In2Care treatments work best together, significantly reducing mosquito populations in Georgia.